27 Nov Anopheles Mosquito
Anopheles Mosquito
Anopheles Mosquitoes are usually most active during dawn and dusk and mosquitos in general are weak, which means they will be less active in windy conditions.
Attracted by carbon dioxide, light and odour, this pest is infamous for spreading the life-threatening disease Malaria.
- Adult is 3–4.5mm long
- Rest with their abdomens sticking up in the air rather than parallel to the surface on which they are resting
- Black and white stripes on wings
- Prefer clean, unpolluted water
- Prefer biting at night
Life Cycle
- After a full blood meal the female Anopheles can lay 50–200 eggs
- Females live up to a month
- In warm conditions the eggs hatch in little as 2 days
- All stages of life are aquatic before emerging as an adult
- In tropical conditions they go from egg to adult in 10–14 days
Signs of Infestation
- Consistent buzzing sound in the ear
- Experiencing skin rashes and redness
- Mosquito bites are an obvious sign which are usually inflamed
- Larvae in stagnant water
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